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Interscholastic -
Girls' Volleyball

Basic Information: It is our intention to provide students the opportunity to participate and experience volleyball in an environment that is safe, fair, educational, and enjoyable for all.  With that goal in mind, we have established some general guidelines that shoudl make for an excellent volleyball season.  Be sure to review all the enclosed information as well as the Kenyon Woods Middle School handbook for guidelines for participation. 

Equipment and Practices: It is not required, but recommeded, that students have "court" shoes that are only to be used during practices and games.  Athletes may also purchase standard volleyball knee pads if they choose.  Again this is not required, but is recommended.  Athletes should wear shorts and a T-shirt for practices.

Players must be present and participate in practice from 7:00AM to 8:30AM.  Players need to arrive at practice on time.  Failure to attend practice or participate fully in all activities, will endanger playing time and possibly eligibility to be a part of the team.  Players displaying the highest levels of effort, commiment, skill, and teamwork will be considered first for game time situations.  The rosters for 7th and 8th grade volleyball are limited to 15 players each.

Players who are absent from practice for any reason must notify the coaches.  A physician must document any illness or injurt that prevents a player from participating in practices or games.  The coaching staff must be made aware of all physical limitations of any athlete.

Transportation: Coaches will accompany players on the bus to ensure that all players arrive at the game and back at Kenyon Woods. The activity bus will not be available as arrival times back at KWMS will be after 5:15. Most matches will end around 6:00 p.m which means we will typically be back at KWMS by 6:25 or so. The responsibility of prompt transportation falls to the athlete and the parent. If students bring their cell phones to away games, the coaches will not be responsible if they are lost or stolen. We understand that students may want to communicate with parents, but they are solely the responsibility of the player. Consistently late pick ups after games may jeopardize an individual's playing time and eligibility.

Fees and Forms: The district charges an $80.00 participation fee for each sport.  This fee will not be collected until after your student has made the team.  The coaches will collect physicals, waviers, and fees.  An athlete may not participate in any game until the fee is paid.

All potential player should have a current physical on file with the school nurse.  All players need the concussion information sheet, waiver of liability sheet and the eligibility guidelines sheet signed and the athletic team information sheet filled out in its entirety.  This information must be completed and submitted to a coach before the first practice.

Games: The volleyball teams will participate in games against district middle schools. The 7th grade games begin at 4:15. The 8th grade games usually begin between 5:15 and 5:30. Times may vary.  There is a schedule of games and directions to other schools within the packet of information.
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